Thursday, November 6, 2008


Life just keeps on changing...

We have decided that Charlie would benefit from spending a couple days a week around other kids. It's taken us a lot of time, and heartache to come to this decision. We've been very fortunate to have Charlie and Will at home with us; alternating days with them so both Beck and I can get our work done. It's been great. We've had fantastic experiences and feel as though Charlie has developed into a perfectly happy, well rounded, almost two-year old. The rub here is just that she has shown a little hesitancy around other kids that she doesn't know.

This has resulted in us worrying about her "social" development. Not to mention that we've discovered the competition level for entrance into preschool around here is cut-throat, and we found an opportunity to enroll her in a very good school.

So we found a new little place near us that seems like a great spot for Charlie to go and play with other kids, and mybe learn a little something too.

Maybe it's just that with Will around the house, it's harder to focus with Charlie, keeping her advancing with her skills. I don't really know... but I do know that I am having a difficult time dealing with the prospect of sending Charlie to school in a few weeks.

I'm not ready for her to grow up. Although she is only two (almost), it seems like the time is just slipping away from us. The other thing is, I worry about her being on her own at school, without Mommy or Daddy around to help her up when she falls down, or hug her when she's tired. I'm worried that the staff at the school won't know what her gestures mean, or her words. She's working really hard on talking, but some of her words only Mommy and Daddy understand.

It all keeps coming back to this thought: At some point, Charlie is going to go to school. We may as well break her in slow, or break ourselves in slow (probably more accurate). I don't know what makes this easier other than just doing it!

Keep your fingers crossed for Mommy and me. I'm sure Charlie will be fine!

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