Monday, September 29, 2008

Been a while

So my blogging has slowed recently and I apologize to those of you who check back regularly. For some who have that nifty little "reader" deal that tells you when I've updated, well, you can now exhale...

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind. Beck is back to work now, and our "new" schedule has been challenging to get used to. At least for me. It's just amazing how even when you have a real solid routine, your day is just swallowed up in no time. Maybe it's just me having so many things going on these days, but I feel like when the kids go down at night, it's only THEN that my day starts, and of course, that's the exact time when I need a nap! :-)

It's been a month. I remember when Charlie and I began our "Daddy/Daughter Days" after Mommy went back to work almost two years ago. I was sooo afraid to go out of the house, AT ALL. Things are much different now for me, but it's still all about the routine: Feedings, Meals, Naps, and of course Activity Time.

Charlie is into her Play-Do now. She loves it, and always pats the bench seat next to her at the table and says, "Daddy". I think I've made about 1,000 Play-Do snakes in the last two weeks.

I have to say, we are SOOOO lucky to have such a great friend in "Auntie Ann". She has really helped us out incredibly. You probably are aware how skittish we are about having ANYONE watch our kids. Yes, even people we love and trust, we just have a hard time leaving the kids. Period. But Anne's visits have become such a great time for Charlie, that she will dance around the kitchen on the mornings that she comes saying, "Ya-Ya, Ya-Ya" (that what she calls Anne).

Charlie has had a great time with her on Tuesdays the last few weeks, and while Beck and I are always anxious when we leave, knowing Charlie is in such great care is comforting. Will of course, doesn't really have a care in the world yet, as long as he's fed on time!! I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Will has really taken to Anne as well.

The point is, that Beck and I have made certain sacrifices to try and keep our kids home during the first few years. We would never be able to do it without Anne's help right now and we are sooo lucky and appreciative!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know it's time consuming to keep up a blog but I just wanted you to know the I really enjoy reading it!!-Beck