Saturday, January 27, 2007

Father & Daughter Days

Well, the first week is almost over. Mommy went back to work this week, and Charlotte and Daddy have had a great week! It's certainly a difference from a few weeks ago when my baby girl cried and cried whenever I would hold her. Now she is my little snuggler again. There is just no better feeling than having your baby girl nuzzle into your neck and fall asleep in your arms.

It is so amazing how you can just "feel" that your baby trusts you. How she just knows that you'll do anything to help her through her discomfort or just hold her so she can calm down for a nap.

Charlotte has gotten back to really snuggling into my arms and relaxing herself to sleep. The way she stares at me when I hold her... man. It gets to me. I can just hear her saying, "I love you Daddy" in that stare. At least until she's 7 or 8 and starts hating me for making her clean her room. :)

I am so thankful that I get to spend this time with her. I can already see her growing up too fast. She is such a good little girl. I couldn't be more proud of her.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Charlie's World

There's no use denying it: My daughter is now the ruler of our house. Everything we do is for her or about her... as it should be. It's funny how people try to tell you this while you're pregnant and you just say, "yeah, I know, I know", but you can never really be prepared for how consuming having an infant in your house can be.

I have a buddy that always told me in the months leading up to Charlotte's birth, "your life is over." I'd always laugh and joke along with him, saying I would not let it happen, but you know what? It really isn't a bad thing. It's just an adjustment in priorities.

I'm a Dad now, and that is a great thing; not a burden. Have I mentioned how much I love being a Dad? We went to Beck's salon the other day, and all the girls were holding Charlotte, fawning over Charlotte, and just overall starring in amazement. Our friend Cheryl said, "now that's the picture we need. Daddy sitting there watching his daughter with that big smile on his face." She caught me. Being the proud Dad of my beautiful baby girl. I well up a little when I think about it.

I always have been that way to a degree. When I would watch videos of my nieces and nephew, it got to me a little. It's always been strange to me that I am so proud of kids that aren't mine... I use to bore people when they came over showing the latest concert my niece Kate was in, or the play Emma was in, or how well Maddie could ride her bike. And one of my favorites was Hope and Micah singing Grandma D "Happy Birthday", and then telling jokes. Those videos mean a lot to me because my brothers live so far away. Sometimes, it's the only time I see my nieces and nephew for a year or two (or three).

It's a whole new level when it's your own kid though. I lose it everytime I see the first video montage I put on this site (click HERE). Something about that song and the pictures we took when we first brought her home. That Kenny Loggins song used to be my nieces favorite way back when. Now she's almost 16... I can't believe that.

Did you ever notice that Martha Stewart says, "fentastic" instead of "fantastic"? And that EVERYTHING is just fentastic? Does that bother anyone as much as it bothers me?

Saturday, January 20, 2007

2 Months Already

Well our two month doctors appointment went very well. We asked all our questions, and got the exact answers we expected. The internet is the best. In addition to the answers to our everyday questions, we also knew EVERY question the doctor would ask us, and what types of physical tests she would do. Seriously... word for word.

Anyway, I suppose it's just more comforting to hear it from a real doctor.

Charlotte is now 11 pounds, 9 ounces and she feels every bit that heavy. I'm sure all you parents out there don't pay much attention to this stuff anymore, but Beck and I are just amazed at how much she grows (and matures) from week to week. When people tell you things like "cherish this time, it will be over before you know it" and "take all the pictures you can", etc. etc., it doesn't really sink in until a few months down the road. Not to say that I haven't taken pictures!

Beck and I feel like we've had our baby girl forever. Like she has always been a part of our lives. When I talk to some of my buddies who have older kids, they always tell me, "she be there before you know it," and I believe it. Two months have flown by; no, rocketed by.

There is nothing in the world that makes me feel happier than my baby girl smiling and giggling at me. What a heart melter.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Shhhhh... she may be coming back to me

I don't want to jump the gun, but after yesterday afternoon and all day today, it seems like my baby girl may be coming around.

We had a very good day today. Although she did cry for a while after she woke up, I was able to sooth her and keep her happy for most of the day. We did two feedings without any real issues, other than some burps that were bothering her early on during the first feeding. But really, I was very happy with my day with Charlie.

Anyway... having a happy baby is much more pleasant! I missed my little girl and today really served as a great tonic.

Monday, January 15, 2007


Our little princess is spoiled I think. Now, a lot of people have different feelings about child rearing, but I really think my little girl is spoiled. Here's the deal: If she's not sleeping, she wants to be held (most of the time).

We can no longer put her in her bouncy chair or the swing without her crying within 2 minutes. We can't lay her in her pack-and-play to sleep for more than 3 minutes without her waking and crying. The only place she seems to enjoy is her new Jumperoo, which she is still a tad bit too young for, but she still seems to enjoy it... for now.

The part about this that is most concerning is that she prefers to be held by Mommy still. She could be sound asleep over Mommy's shoulder, and the second Daddy takes her, she wakes and begins to cry.

Additionally, she is now rebelling against her bottle. She only has a few days left before Mommy goes back to work a few days a week, so... it appears as if Daddy will be stuck next week teaching her how to "cry it out". Oh joy. Just what Daddy loves. Listening to his beautiful baby girl screaming at the top of her lungs when she just refuses to be soothed by anything.

They keep telling me it's a phase... her preferring Mommy, that is. I sure hope that's true and the it ends in the next few days. Otherwise I'm going to have a difficult week next week.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Adjusting Every Day

I haven't posted for a few days now, and I'm not really sure exactly why. I suppose I've been hesitant because I'd rather not post anything less than positive about my experiences raising my daughter, but I have been struggling lately.

I'm sure this time of a man's life can be one of his biggest challenges. That has been the case for me in the last week or so.

There have been several days recently that I've felt completely out of touch. I just feel like I'm struggling in everything now, and I'm frustrated. I find myself losing my patience more easily these days.

I sometimes feel completely out of control when it comes to my daughter. She rarely stays calm (or calms down) when she's with me right now. It really hurts me, and it's difficult for me to stay calm when she's wailing at the top of her lungs for 15-20 minutes.

The worst part of it is how easily I could sooth her just a few weeks ago. I was like a magician back then. Now I feel like I have an entirely new daughter, who only wants to be with her Mom.

I'm certain this will all pass, but it really is difficult for me right now. The only thing that keeps me going is the reality of the big picture: I realize how lucky I am.

I realize that this healthy, beautiful, sweet little princess is a tremendous blessing. I realize that my little issues are so very trivial when compared to the difficulties so many families have trying to conceive and/or raise happy, healthy babies. I have no right to be upset or complain. I understand this. It's just a matter of occassionally adjusting my perspective to continue to see the entire picture.

Every day is an adjustment right now... but what a great reason to be flexible.

Monday, January 1, 2007

What A Weekend / Happy New Year

Charlie had a great holiday weekend. She got to meet Daddy's entire family for the first time. Her cousins Kate, Emma, and Maddie (Uncle Jim and Aunt Kathy's girls) and her cousins Hope and Micah (Uncle Ray and Auny Robin's kids). She also got to see her Grandma and Grandpa D again.

The Oregon Davis' flew all the way across the country, the Cincinnati Davis' drove 10 hours through the night, and the North Carolina Davis' (Grandma and Grandpa) drove 8 hours.

Little Charlotte sure has some really nice family to go through all that trouble just to come meet her.

Charlotte is the 5th grand daughter on the Davis side, and she sure got a lot of attention from her girl cousins and her aunts. And even though Micah was a little shy, I could even tell that he really liked Charlotte too! Of course, everyone had to wait in line behind Grandma D.

We were able to all get together for a couple days of food and frolic and even got an updated family portrait taken.

It's so strange for me to see my oldest nieces who are 16 (almost) and 14 (today), and remember them when they were Charlotte's age. They've grown up so fast and are so mature. I'm not sure if I'm ready to see my baby girl grow up that fast... but I see it happening already.

She is now holding her head up so much and becoming so aware of everything around her that she no longer resembles that little "baby" we brought home almost 7 weeks ago. She is such a little person now. A perfect, sweet, little person.

There is no way I could sufficiently explain to my family how much we appreciate everyone making the journey back "home" to Baltimore. We know it's not an easy endeavor with everyone's busy schedules, and it really means the world to our little family that we could make it happen. Thank you all so much, and hopefully it won't be another 4 years before we get together again.

For anyone reading this that has family right "up the street" or just "around the corner," don't take it for granted. With everyday that goes by as Beck and I start our own little family, I realize more and more how much I miss my parents, brothers and their families. It wasn't that long ago when I could just drive over to my parent's on a Sunday and watch football with my Dad, or stop in at Sunnydale Estates on a Tuesday night for dinner. It's the little things that mean so much...

Happy New Year everybody.