Friday, July 18, 2008

So the changes aren't always easy...

Knocking on wood doesn't always work, just so you know. It seems our brief baby nirvana has begun to lose a little of it's peace and serenity. Not too much. But a little.

For the last 5 nights, Charlie has gone down for bed at her usual time, between 7:30 and 8:00pm. But she has been waking up about 20-30 minutes later, screaming and crying. Each time, one of us has had to lay with her for a few minutes to calm her and get back off to sleep. We didn't think it was going to become a pattern.

Now to some of you reading this, that scenario may seem like it's really nothing to be concerned with, but Charlie has been a great sleeper since she was a month old. This just isn't like her. We are hoping this is just a phase she's going through in the process of having a new baby brother in the house. Her days have been fine, her naps have been fine, she's been behaving perfectly normally, with this one exception.

Tonight, at about 7:00pm she went from playing with Mommy outside, to all the sudden just acting very tired and clingy. After a very short bath, and abbreviated bedtime ruotine, now Beck tells me she is in her bed burning up. Apparently she has gotten sick somehow. Tonight will likely be a long night, and if she wakes up with it in the morning, we'll have to make sure to keep Will far away from her. A newborn can get very sick from even the most harmless cold. All this with Grandma and Grandpa D visiting from North Carolina starting tomorrow morning. We're keeping our fingers crossed.

This is the fun of being a parent though, right?

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Hopefully this is just a blip and Charlie will be feeling much better today. Glad to hear the transition has been going so well. Say hi to Rebecca!