Sunday, August 24, 2008


So I am DJ'ing a wedding last night and during cocktails I have a conversation with the Bride's father. He wants to take a couple of minutes during the reception to thank everyone for coming to the wedding and tell a short story. We run through my agenda, and mutually decide that the most appropriate time for this is after dinner, immediately before the Father/Daughter dance. It just seems to flow well that way. He then tells me about the song they're going to dance to, and how much his daughter means to him, she will always be his baby girl, etc. etc.

So picture it: Here we are, the DJ and the father of the bride, a Naval Commander (in uniform), both with tears welling up in their eyes as we decide the updated agenda. I told him as he was leaving that I know the song they're dancing to, and if I had trouble holding it together, he'd have to change the music for the Mother/Son dance which immediately followed. He agreed... but of course he thought I was kidding.

So the time comes, and the Commander is telling a story about having to leave his baby girl when she was little to go on tours with the Navy. He can't hold it together, everyone at the reception is crying, but I was strong. Then I start the music for their dance. The song is "I Loved Her First," by Heartland. If you know the song, you know I didn't stand a chance. For 2 minutes the tears were building and building, but I could hold them back. All until the Commander glanced over at me and I could see him crying as he danced with his daughter. I lost it. Tears poured down my cheeks and I choked up. I know Charlie is not even 2 yet, but just the thought of giving her away someday, and all the "stuff" that we'll go through between now and then. Those thoughts never fail to break me.

So as the song ended, I was able to compose myself (barely) enough to introduce the Groom and his Mom for their dance, but not without my voice crackling in the middle of it, which got me another look and a smile from the Commander.

All the other typical father/daughter songs don't affect me at all. Just those country ballads about a Daddy and his little girl. Beck laughed at me when I told her about it. I really don't know why I'm helpless against the tears when I think about Charlie growing up. It's not something I care to try and stop though. It just goes all the way back to one of my first posts on this blog about how you just can't describe the feeling of holding your baby, or being a parent. It's impossible to find any words sufficient enough to capture the feelings.

So that was my night last night. I haven't yet completely broken down!

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