Saturday, May 17, 2008

The difference time can make

We went to see Jennifer from "That's My Baby" last Thursday. If you followed Charlie's story to her birth, you'll remember how thrilling the experience was for me. The 3-D sonogram really gives an unbelievable view into the womb, and for me it was a real bonding moment for me with my unborn daughter. You know, Mommy gets to feel all the kicks and elbows and hiccups, while Daddy just sits on the outside.

The funny thing about Beck's pregnancy with Will is that things are just flying by. As I write this, Beck is 32 weeks pregnant and it seems like it's only been a couple of months. Instead, it will only BE a couple of months before Will arrives.

Our sonogram was good, although it was a microcosm of the entire pregnancy: Charlie took center stage the whole time; snuggling with Mommy on the bed most of the time. She even helped the nurse to wipe away the jelly from her belly with the towel.

It seems we've been so busy watching Charlie grow up, that we've nearly missed Beck's entire pregnancy with little Will. I really can't believe that in just another few weeks, we're going to have another tiny little one around.

My worries have changed too. No longer do I lose sleep wondering if I'll be a good father. Now it's worry over making sure I can be enough of a good Dad for BOTH of them. I mean, I have this unbelievable love for Charlie. Something I can't put into words, but I'm certain everyone with children understands. My "fear" I guess is being able to give the same amount of affection to Will without giving less to Charlie.

I just can't imagine being able to love another baby as much I as do Charlie. People have told numerous things on that front, but one in particular sticks in my mind most. My buddy said, "listen, it's not like you just have one bank account and you have to spread the money around to everyone. You just open ANOTHER account, and the balance is unlimited in both." I'm not sure if it makes sense to anyone else, but it sure comforts me when I freak out every once in a while wondering how in the world I'll do it.

Things are just moving along so fast. Charlie is on her 4th day sleeping in her big-girl bed, with ZERO problem, and the nursery is now officially Will's room.

It's amazing how the pace of time seems to quicken with each year that passes!

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