Thursday, December 7, 2006

I'm Becoming A Whisperer (Kind Of)

My Mom gave us a book back in June called the "Secrets of the Baby Whisperer". Beck and I have read it and she now uses it as a reference when Charlotte does new things... just to see how she is developing. I've just discovered a new read: "The Happiest Baby On the Block". It's pretty straight forward and filled with logical stuff, but I've discovered some tricks that really work. I can now make my sweet baby girl relax within 3-5 minutes, fairly easily. Of course, she IS an easy baby, but it is just amazing that I can literally put her to sleep without much effort. It's worked probably 8 of 10 times so far, and I believe the 2 times it didn't work, she was just very hungry (because she fell asleep while she fed). There is no better feeling in the world than holding my baby girl while she sleeps on my chest. To try and choose just one emotion to describe it would be grossly inadequate. I'm sure that all the parents out there understand what I'm trying to say though...

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