Tuesday, January 22, 2008

More changes

So most of you know by now, and for those who aren't clued in, Charlie is going to be a big sister. Sometime in July.

We've known since the middle of November, and just decided we'd wait until seeing our OB to tell our parents, and wait until the end of the 1st trimester to tell our friends and the rest of our family. That was the plan at least.

Turns out that the second baby shows much quicker than the first with most moms, and Beck couldn't avoid the curious eyes around her when her "bump" emerged.

What an awkward situation for her. We really wanted to make it through the 1st trimester before telling people, but it seemed everyone wanted to either whisper around the corner or just directly confront her about it.

I felt so bad for my wife. It's not that we really wanted to keep it secret. It was just a combination of several things. First we just wanted to give the pregancy time to develop since the risk of complications drops dramatically after the first 13 weeks. Second, we had a couple of friends who were going through some medical issues of their own, and we wanted them to continue to focus on getting well, and not worry about us. Last, we had friends who were expecting at the beginning of January and we didn't want to take any attention from their happy day.

I know... it's a lot of thought and energy to avoid telling people our great news, but pregancy and other issues are very personal. We didn't want to step on anyones toes. As it worked out, most everyone close to us noticed anyway, and knew by Christmas... whether we told them or not!

So, as of today, Beck is 15 weeks pregnant and we're in the middle of another major change in our lives. Charlie is growing like a weed (I always heard that when I was a kid) and getting funnier every day. Beck is searching for "big girl" beds and starting to re-arrange the guest bedroom so Charlie can move in a few months and we can maintain the current nursery.

We're doing it all over again!

Friday, January 4, 2008

New Year's...

You know it's really funny. I'm in physical therapy right now while I recover from some knee surgery and I've been listening to all the patients and PT's talk about their holidays. "How was your New Year's Mr. Smith," is pretty much how the conversation begins.

The answers are always pretty similar, depending on the age of the patient.

For me though, I have to laugh when I answer. "Well," I said. "We had some friends over, set up some extra Pack and Plays in the bedrooms for the babies, and played board games." Pretty intense evening, huh?

What makes it funny to me is that I'm pretty excited about that. Honestly, I couldn't care less about the entire New Year's celebration rituals. In my mind, just hanging out with your friends and having a laugh is pretty good to me.